Scandio-Report - Christmas Edition

In December, our Scandio Report looks a little different than usual - it’s getting festive again! We asked our colleagues a few questions about the Christmas season and picked out the best answers. Ho Ho Ho!

What is your favorite pre-Christmas activity?

Isi (Project- and Sales Manager): Eating gingerbread without end!

Evi (HR and License Sales): Figuring out gift ideas and actually doing a lot of Christmas market feasting….

Katharina (Software Developer): Baking cookies. But only those that you like yourself. That’s when you make a special effort.

Alina (Head of Design): Getting on other people’s nerves with “Last Christmas”.

Alex (IT Consultant): Coding.

Mark (Marketing Manager): I let myself be pulled along by the Christmas spirit. I’ll be watching more Christmas movies this year and also making my own gingerbread house.

Is it okay to eat gingerbread in November?

Verena (Office Manager): Of course!

Isi (Smart ass mode on): I’ve heard that they are freshest when they just come into the stores. Makes sense. Still not ok!

Christoph (Co-CEO): You can argue about gingerbread in November! But you can approach the matter cautiously with Spekulatius.

Flo (IT Consultant): I’m addicted and eat them already at the end of August. That’s no big thing for me.

Katharina: In November yes, but by no means earlier!!! Noooo Flo! You are the reason why you can get gingerbread in the supermarket already in August.

Mäxi (Working Student in Marketing): No way! You don’t eat Easter wreaths in February either…

What are your favourite Christmas Cookies?

Tobias (Software Developer): My grandmas chocolate rolls.

Evi: Boring butter cookies (but with lots of colorful decoration).

Flo: Dark bear paws.

Katharina: Homemade gingerbread with chocolate core.

Alina: I really like that cookie mix from Aldi.

Mark: My grandmas cookies.

Felix (IT Consultant): Vanilla Kipferl, I’ve already baked them myself this year (the secret with them is: it’s 99% butter).

Fares: (IT Consultant) Vanilla Kipferl.

What’s your funniest Christmas party anecdote?

Isi: At the company I worked before Scandio, my boss said he will come and celebrate with us if a colleague with a long braid would cut his hair off. They were already sitting there with the scissors attached when luckily his girlfriend came.

Christian (Co-CEO): What happens at the Christmas party, stays at the Christmas party.

Katharina: Gifts which you hide especially well. You no longer know where until Christmas Eve and find them again next spring. Never happened to me personally!

Mäxi: The nightcap after the official Christmas party at a colleague’s house. There’s no more info.

Alex: If you still remember the story, it’s not a good story.

What does your perfect Christmas holiday look like?

Verena: A lot of food, a lot of drink, a nice walk in between and watching movies in the evening.

Isi: When everyone enjoys a quiet time together, you listen to relaxing music and there is good food.

Tobias: Spending time with the family with board games and good food in the evening.

Flo: Let your soul unwind without stress.

Alina: Eating until I’m stuffed.

Alex: Coding.

Mark:  Relaxing and socializing with family and friends.

Felix: Ben Hur extended version - 4 hour bible epic, falling asleep several times and it’s still not over.

Where would you like to spend Christmas for once?

Christian: At a hut in the mountains with lots of snow (ha, really now).

Evi: By the sea.

Flo: Norway or Greenland would be nice.

Katharina: The main thing is: a lot of snow and rest.

Alina: A cabin in the forest with an open fireplace or Lapland with lots and lots of snow, northern lights, reindeer and the whole lot of things.

Which 3 books would you take with you to a snowy mountain cabin?

Verena:  A classic by Stephen King, Goethe’s Faust and something by Fitzek.

Tobias: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Lisey’s Story by Stephen King, House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski ((I can’t be bothered to choose).

Christian: Zauberberg by Thomas Mann, counts as 3, does it?

Katharina: Books? I’m taking my Gameboy with me!

Alina: Three will be difficult, but I’ll try: Mister Aufziehvogel by Murakami, In eisige Höhen by Jon Krakauer and Der Steppenwolf by Hesse (although I would like to have something from King as well. Damn.)

Alex: Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

What should not be missing from a good Christmas dinner in any case?

Verena:  Lots of wine!

Lulu (Software-Developer): Loooots of wine!

Christoph: The grappa afterwards.

Flo: Good mood and good conversations.

Katharina: A completely overdone dessert that you try for the first time especially for Christmas and that takes about five hours to prepare because it’s super specialand that tastes okay in the end but nothing more.

Mäxi: Raclette with hot stone, accompanied by wine rather than beer. The raclette is filling enough.

Alex: Headache pills.

What’s the funniest Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

Alex: A Bugreport.

Mark: A do-it-yourself kit for a hot wire, as a game for determining the order for gift unwrapping and later as a skill drinking game.

Jacques (IT Consultant): A premium coonector strip. It wasn’t that good at all.

Scandio wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a healthy start to the New Year! Even though 2020 was partly marked by setbacks, we were able to draw our conclusions and successes from it and are looking forward to a (hopefully less remotely) year 2021. Stay healthy and see you soon!