2019-06-04 | Clemens Tietze | 2 min read
1% Pledge - Tausendfüßler Barefoot Path
As part of one of our 1% Pledge projects, a part of our Scandio-Team has brought the aging barefoot circle of the AWO children’s house Tausendfüßler in Maisach back into shape.
Instead of going to the office, our team met on a foggy Monday in Maisach, Upper Bavaria. After a cup of coffee to wake them up, they set about preparing the barefoot circle, which was no longer quite so intact, beautifully again.
The first thing to do was to get rid of the unwanted weeds. In the course of time it had become comfortable between paving stones, gravel and grass.
Next, gravel and stones were refilled and sorted by size. To our great joy, we were allowed to simply help ourselves in the sandboxes. This definitely awakened old memories, even though the shovels this time were much bigger than in our childhood. We also used some mulch to make the circle as varied as possible.

After a small lunch break we got down to business. One of the fields was to be cemented so that ball tracks could be formed there. The aim was for the children to push small balls with their feet through these tracks in order to train their movements. After the field had been excavated, which went surprisingly fast thanks to the teamwork, the strenuous part came: mixing the cement.

Tons of sand and water were brought in and stirred to the full. An unusual job for programmers. But the result is impressive.

Last but not least two grooves were made and the barefoot path was as good as new.

It was a lot of fun and we hope that the children will enjoy the circle for a long time.
Many thanks to the team of the AWO-Kinderhaus Tausendfüßler Maisach for the great day and the delicious food. It was really nice with you!

The entire S-Team was involved in the project and also wrote this blog post in teamwork.
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