2019-12-19 | Scandio | 1 min read
Our Atlassian Marketplace Apps will become independent
Excitement 2020: Our Atlassian Marketplace Apps will become independent
After several years on the Atlassian Marketplace, we have now decided to give our apps some more space for a healthy growth. Please welcome with us: Lively Apps! With Atlassian Top Vendor status and a wide range of satisfied customers, we decided to separate our Scandio App division into a separate entity to maintain this high level of excellence. Starting January 2020, the start-up “Lively Apps” will continue maintaining and innovating our 10 apps on the Atlassian Marketplace. We are thrilled about this change and excited about the future development of Lively Apps!

Please Welcome Lively Apps!
With a growing team of currently six people, we are embarking on an exciting journey through the Atlassian Marketplace universe. In addition to our brand new name, we also refined the logos of our apps! After several weeks of discussions and brainstorming sessions, we are proud to present:

With these icons, their intense colors, and their dynamic shapes, we intend to bring to life what our new brand is all about: it is LIVELY.
What is going to change now?
Nothing much. The pricing and support will remain the same, only that it will all happen under a new name. The advantage of all this is that Lively Apps will now be able to focus even more on new feature requests and the further innovation. There are already some exciting ideas: Stay tuned and stay curious!