2022-05-19 | Verena Stiegler | 1 min read
Save the Date - Atlassian User Group Munich Meetup on May 31st, 2o22
We are back!
On Tuesday, May 31st 2022, the first on-site meeting (since Corona) of the Atlassian Community Munich will take place at the premises of TNG. Finally live and in person again, with pizza & beer and many interesting talks and conversations. We are very excited to listen to interesting talks about the latest developments within the Atlassian environment and to enjoy ourselves in a relaxed atmosphere. Afterwards, there will be socializing to the hilt, because after 2 years of remote events, that’s what we all need!
As always, registration is free.
In order to give all interested people a chance to grab one of the maximum 40 seats (and the pizza) on site, please be fair and register only if you are really able to attend.
17:30 - 18:00
18:00 - 18:05
18:05 - 18:30
Videos for Confluence
18:30 - 19:00
Migrating Multivote & Enterprise Survey to the Cloud
19:00 - 19:30
Break - with pizza and drinks
19:30 - 19:45
Review of the Atlassian Cloud outage
19:45 - 20:00
Improved requests with Forms in Jira Service Management
Lightning Talks - maybe one of yours?
Socializing and exchange
We ask all participants to take a Corona self-test beforehand and show the test (or a photo of it) at the entrance.
We are looking forward to meeting all of you!
Scandiolife on Instagram.
Connect with us on LinkedIn.
Look what Scandio is tweeting.