HiQ, Scandio and a CI/CD Pipeline… How is there even a connection? We will show you! Since May 2021, Scandio has been an independent part of the Swedish HiQ Group and has therefore built an international network. The goal: Drive digitization in Europe to the next level! Of course, this works best with joint projects. And so our Swedish-German collaboration starts with the implementation of a new CI/CD pipeline at a leading German automotive manufacturer.

Modern CI/CD clears the path for an open corporate structure

In order to modernize the existing system, their previous CI/CD solution Jenkins should be replaced with the open source tool GitHub. Compared to Jenkins, GitHub offers many out-of-the-box features, such as integrated source code management and GitHub Actions for automating workflows.

Together with HiQ’s developers, we are automating processes for their new enterprise instance and implementing a new CI/CD workflow in order to minimize downtime and maintenance efforts.

Moreover, GitHub is the tool of choice when it comes to introducing the open source concept in the company as well. The individual organizational elements, such as clusters, teams, and repositories, can be easily applied to the companies’ hierarchy. Scandio assists in creating the relevant visibilities in GitHub and in displaying the organizational structure.

We are looking forward to more projects like these, in which we can further expand our international collaboration. With our know-how in cloud & systems engineering, software development and IT consulting and our passion for digitization, we have found a strong partner in HiQ, which complements our portfolio with their expertise perfectly.

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