2020-06-17 | user | 5 min read
ShipIt Days 2020 Review
Last week Scandio hosted its 7th internal Innovation Days. Even though we had to change some things in our schedule this year due to the current circumstances, we still worked on many exciting projects and most importantly: had a lot of fun. In the following blog post you can read all about the process and the results of our “Remote-ShipIt-Days 2020”.

Due to the restrictions, it was clear to us that the planning and self-organization of the projects and teams also had to take place remotely. Usually the best ideas come up during a short chat at coffee break or with a cold beer to end the day, so this year the preparations were increasingly done with our chat tools and video conferences. Step by step, ideas crystallized into complete projects, and our slack channel “ShipIt-Ideenzentrale”, where you can suggest projects and search for team members, also proved to be a great help. Thus 15 projects were able to start right on time for the kick-off on Thursday at 14:00. The group size varied here between one and seven people.

Actually, during the ShipIt-Days we attach great importance to working together on site in one of the Scandio offices. However, it soon became clear that we could also handle the challenge remotely. The teams met in video conferences, and individual progress was always documented and exchanged, so that other group members could also participate. The results speak for themselves. One of the rules of our ShipIt-Days is the duration of the competition: 24 hours! That’s how long the teams have time to actually put the project into action and prepare a nice presentation. One can only speculate about how long each group worked in the evening hours. Based on notifications like “Google Drive Share last updated at 01:30” it might be possible to guess.

The next day the presentations were scheduled for 4 p.m. - and keep in mind: the five-minute presentation was also evaluated as a separate category and is the only way to estimate how many points you want to give the project in the other categories of innovation, competence and benefit. One thing needs to be said: Like every year, it was an incredibly close race between the different teams. It is also remarkable that first place in individual categories does not necessarily lead to overall victory. But now finally to the winners of the individual categories and the entire ShipIt-Days.
Winner in the Category: Innovation

Scandio Virtual Office The team members are: Anja, Luca, Jonas and 2x Tobias
- Overview of existing calls and virtual team rooms, projects and the coffee break.
- Simple overview of the presence of colleagues in the various rooms.
- Flexible possibility to join one of the rooms and switch between them.
The goal: Create a remote office atmosphere and make it easier to get in touch with teams or colleagues.
Winner in the category: Benefits
SC_OFFERS The team members are: Isi, Evi, Christian

- The team automated the existing bidding process as far as possible with the help of Confluence, proprietary development and some add-ons, thus saving the teams at Scandio a lot of time. Our IT consultants can now invest the time saved in this way in further projects.
Winner in the category: Presentation & Competence
Scandio Track The team members are: Kristina, Stefan, Alex, Mäx and a special guest appearance

- The idea of an own track has been floating in the heads of the music-loving Scandianer for quite some time. So why not use the ShipIt days to produce an own song in 24 hours?
- The implementation turned out to be somewhat more difficult due to the contact restrictions, but here too, the participants found solutions to share individual tracks with each other and then integrate them again. Google Drive was essential ;)
- As the search for suitable vocals became more difficult, our Tini joined in without further ado and delivered a great vocal part shortly before delivery, which the team was able to build in. Once again a big shoutout to you!
Overall Winner
SC_OFFERS aka “Angebotserstellungsdingsi” The team members are: Isi, Evi, Christian
- Every employee at Scandio should be able to write an offer for a customer in a short time and without complicated processes using SC_OFFERS.
- Since the team could not come up with a cool name, the project was unceremoniously called “Angebotserstellungsdingsi”. This naturally led to a few outtakes during the recordings of the video presentation. (Which you can see in the following video)
The placement of the individual projects was once again incredibly tight and even though there were many exciting and useful projects this year, we missed the direct contact with the colleagues. The video and chat tools have fulfilled their purpose, both for work as such and for drinking and chatting over coffee/beer together - but the Scandians’ opinion is clear: next year we wanna definitely be back in the offices.

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