White Paper - Scandio in Change - The Path to Self-Organization



White Paper - Scandio in Change - The Path to Self-Organization
Keeping up with the rapid change in work culture might be one of the biggest challenges which companies are facing nowadays. In recent years, terms such as new work, agile project management and personality development have become slogans for a modern movement whose aim is to abolish classical hierarchies. Those who work in a self-organized manner fulfill their tasks more efficiently and feel individually strengthened...
Scandio-Report - The H-Team - Helpers behind the Scenes



Scandio-Report - The H-Team - Helpers behind the Scenes
This month we present you a team that pulls the strings in the background: the H-Team! The members of this small team, which covers many different areas, see themselves as the “little helpers”. We will show you which exciting tasks they handle, what “Garlic Tuesday” is all about and how they organize themselves as a team. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please introduce your team briefly: what do you...
Distributed work - Corona as an opportunity?



Distributed work - Corona as an opportunity?
“Distributed work”, “remote”, “new work”, “digital workplace”… Never before have these terms been used as often as in recent months. And secretly everyone can feel it, the working world as we know it is facing a cultural change. Some even talk about a revolution - or are we already right in the middle of it? We will discuss how Corona is affecting the way we...
Scandio Report - Parents Edition



Scandio Report - Parents Edition
“AND” instead of “or” - parents in Germany want to combine family and career! > “We must improve the framework conditions so that people can follow their will to have children. This includes better organization of the compatibility of family and career. That means more help with child-rearing and guarantees of return to work." - Paul Kirchhof, German constitutional and tax law expert, Federal Constitutional Judge...
Sip It - The Scandio Brew



Sip It - The Scandio Brew
We would like to report not only about our ShipIt-Days 2019 in general [], but also about the individual team projects. Blogpost number two represents the “Sip It” team (Alina, Carla, Joschi, Maxi, Thomas). 🍺“Beer. Probably the greatest constant in Scandio’s corporate culture. Innovation, ideas, discussions, friendships. All this comes from beer. We want to...
What is fun about software development?



What is fun about software development?
In this blog post our colleague Carla thought about why she decided to become a software developer. Besides IT consultants and system engineers, Scandio mainly employs software developers. Why do people choose such a job? For me, there are the following reasons: * You create something new. Where before there was nothing, you create an entire application or a new function that is then available to...
1% Pledge - Tausendfüßler Barefoot Path



1% Pledge - Tausendfüßler Barefoot Path
As part of one of our 1% Pledge projects, a part of our Scandio-Team has brought the aging barefoot circle of the AWO children’s house Tausendfüßler in Maisach back into shape. Instead of going to the office, our team met on a foggy Monday in Maisach, Upper Bavaria. After a cup of coffee to wake them up, they set about preparing the barefoot circle,...
ShipIt Days 2019



ShipIt Days 2019
Last week at Scandio, ShipIt Days, our in-house innovation days, took place for the sixth time. This year, the focus was on many projects in the Cloud, Mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) areas, and accordingly many wires, screws and soldering irons lay on the desks. The cloud topic was very well appreciated by the teams and we were very pleased that our partner Amazon...
1% Pledge



1% Pledge
As already announced during the Atlassian Summit in Barcelona, the Scandio takes part at the 1 % Pledge [] movement with 1% time [] and 1% product []. The philosophy behind 1% Pledge is: > Building a Movement of Corporate Philanthropy: We want to change the world through inspiring early–stage corporate philanthropy. Pledge 1% is an...