Scandio has been a successful Atlassian partner for 15 years, which is a reason for us to celebrate and share our experiences. To review this collaboration, we asked our Scandio team members a few questions about their highlights and learnings....
A leading insurance company offers tailored onboarding videos for its corporate customers. The content of the videos should not only result from contract data, but should also allow personalization by insurance agencies themselves....
The Scandio Data Science team identified five tech trends for 2023 and beyond. Learn what Scalable AI, Foundation Models or Data Sharing can mean for companies and discover why educating employees across all business units in data literacy is vital for future success....
Das Data-Science-Team der Scandio identifiziert fünf wesentliche Technologietrends für 2023. Erfahren Sie, was Entwicklungen wie Scalable AI, Foundation Model und Data Sharing bedeuten – und warum die Datenkompetenz aller Mitarbeitenden für den Unternehmenserfolg entscheidend ist....
Together with our partner Miro, we are organizing an informative evening around the topic of agile software development methods. We kindly invite you to visit us on January 26, 2023, starting at 18:00 in our newly opened Berlin office at Sonnenallee 223a....
Zusammen mit unserem Partner Miro veranstalten wir einen bunten Abend rund um das Thema Methoden der agilen Softwareentwicklung. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, uns am Donnerstag, den 26. Januar 2023, ab 18:00 in unserem neu eröffneten Berliner Büro in der Sonnenallee 223a zu besuchen....
The biggest challenge for hybrid development teams is creating & maintaining a shared understanding of all project tasks. The integration of Miro's real-time visual collaboration with Atlassian's Jira Cloud provides a simple solution to this problem....
Die größte Herausforderung für hybride Entwickler-Teams ist das Schaffen & Beibehalten eines gemeinsamen Überblicks über alle Projektaufgaben. Die Integration von Miros visueller Echtzeit-Kollaboration mit Jira Cloud von Atlassian bietet eine simple Lösung für dieses Problem....